Plantilla HTML5 de comida rápida y entrega de Dreamhub

Descripción Corta:
HTML DreamHub Fast Food Restaurant Website. Dreamhub theme is a fast food shop, online and fast food ecommerce website.
HTML 5 DreamHub Fast Food Shop offers tempting food such as Pizza Burgers, Die Cakes & Fries, Grill, Cutlets etc. delivered. Users can access the website from their preferred browser. HTML 5 is represented by Bootstrap 5.2 and jQuery. Responsive with care on iPad, iPhone and phone devices. Can customize design and code as per convenience.
You can freely contact our creative team for advice and pros and cons if needed and get support like user benefits.
Color: black, white,generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
Características: Responsive, Bootstrap, Ajax, Team Members, Restaurant Menu, eCommerce, Dropdown Menu, Blog, Online Store/Shop, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,
tags: cooking, delivery, food, meat, menu, pizza, recipe, reservation, responsive, restaurant, shop, food menu,
Tema: Asian Restaurant Templates, Japanese Restaurant Templates, Fast Food Restaurant Templates, Food Store Templates, Delivery Services Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Maintenance Services Templates, Business & Services, Food & Restaurant, Food Delivery,
Estilos: Clean, Minimalist, Mobile,
Gratis 24/7
Equipo de Soporte -
Desde el Cero -
Premium -
1 200 000+
Clientes Satisfechos
Plantilla # | 353305 |
Tipo: | Plantillas para Sitios Web |
Autor: | DRTheme |
Descargas: | 0 |
Plantilla # | 353305 |
Tipo: | Plantillas para Sitios Web |
Autor: | DRTheme |
Descargas: | 0 |