
Taskoit - Plantilla de sitio web de negocios de agencia digital

Plantillas para Sitios Web

Descripción Corta:

Taskoit is a Digital Agency Business Website Template. Here's a general outline of what you might expect in a hotel business website template:

Homepage: The homepage would likely feature a modern and sleek design with sections highlighting the agency's services, portfolio, client testimonials, and a call-to-action to get in touch.

Services: A dedicated page showcasing the various services the agency offers. Each service might have its own section with details, images, and possibly case studies.

Portfolio: This section could showcase the agency's previous projects with images, descriptions, and links to case studies or project details.

About Us: A page providing information about the agency's history, mission, values, and team members. This section might also include photos and bios of key team members.

Testimonials: Positive feedback and reviews from past clients, highlighting the agency's expertise and quality of work.

Blog: A blog section featuring articles related to digital marketing, design, development, and other relevant topics.

Contact: A page with contact information, a contact form, and possibly a map showing the agency's location.

FAQ: An optional FAQ section to address common questions potential clients might have about the agency's services, pricing, process, etc.

Responsive Design: The template should be designed to be responsive, meaning it should adapt to different screen sizes and devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

When searching for templates, make sure to review the features and customization options offered by each template. You can also consider using website builders like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, or HTML/CSS templates to create a website that suits your agency's needs.

Color: white, brown, orange, red,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

Características: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Bootstrap, Ajax, Mobile Layout Included, Team Members, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Blog, Gallery, One Page Templates, HTML 5, JQuery, Completely JS, Background video,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

tags: agency, business, company, consulting, corporate, creative, finance, financial, industry, marketing, modern, personal, portfolio, responsive, services, software, startup, technology, html, js,

Tema: Consulting Templates, Marketing Agency Templates, IT Templates, Business & Services, Business Audit, Business Coach,

  • Gratis 24/7
    Equipo de Soporte

  • Soluciones
    Desde el Cero

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  • 1 200 000+

    Clientes Satisfechos

Plantilla # 351411
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Descargas: 1
€17 €16
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Plantilla # 351411
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Descargas: 1