
PlatePalace - Plantilla de sitio web HTML para restaurante

Características: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Retina Ready, Mobile Layout Included, Right to left language support, Hotel Booking, Team Members, Restaurant Menu, Light Template, Single Product, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, MegaMenu, Performance Optimization, Blog, Gallery, HTML 5, Completely JS, HTML plus JS, Static, Lazy Load effect,

Estilos: Clean, Corporate, Grunge, Minimalist, Neutral, Collage, Dark, Futurist, Geometric, Mobile, Flat, Material Design,

Tema: Asian Restaurant Templates, Japanese Restaurant Templates, Vietnamese Restaurant Templates, European Restaurant Templates, Greek Restaurant Templates, Spanish Restaurant Templates, Mexican Restaurant Templates, Catering Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Water Templates, Food & Restaurant, Drink,

Color: black, white, grey,

tags: cake, delivery, drink, reservation, testimonials, responsive design, social media buttons, rtl language support, restaurant website template, interactive animations, accessible design, fast loading times, php contact form submission, customizable error pages, maintenance mode templates, pricing and feature comparison tables, email marketing integration, interactive maps, google fonts integration, countdown timers,

pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.1, 8.0, 7.4,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

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  • 1 200 000+

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Plantilla # 335219
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Autor: Tigma
Descargas: 4
€14 €13
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 335219
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Autor: Tigma
Descargas: 4

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