
Agrofarm - Plantilla HTML5 para alimentos orgánicos y tiendas orgánicas

Plantillas para Sitios Web

Descripción Corta:

Agrofarm is a wonderful template for - Agrofarm - Organic Food & Organic Store HTML5 Template provider company. We added all functionality for Agrofarm - Organic Food & Organic Store HTML5 Template in the Agrofarm template. There have many option for change any kind of think. We have designed with latest technology of the Agrofarm template. And also The Agrofarm template suitable for many kind of website like, agriculture, bakery, eco food, farm, fresh, modern, natural, organic food, organic fruits, organic life, organic shop, organic template, vegetable. and many other related websites

This website is very well done. You can understand very easily. You can design as you wish. Our website is fully responsive and well done. Feel free to shop our website. If you want to create your dream website, buy project from us now, and create your dream website

Please go to our DreamIT profile and take an idea. Then please buy our template if you choose for your website. Our customers support team is all time ready for help you. And you will believe that if you see our DreamIT profile review.

20 February 2023

  1. New Pages added
  2. Fixed others issue
Características: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Ajax, Retina Ready, Mobile Layout Included, Multipurpose, Moto CMS Landing Builder, Team Members, Light Template, Single Product, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Tabs, Blog, Gallery, Portfolio, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Static, Background video,

Estilos: Clean, Corporate, Minimalist, Mobile,

Tema: Restaurant Reviews Templates, Food Store Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Food & Restaurant, Food Delivery,

Color: black, white, green,

tags: bar, burger, cafe, cooking, delivery, food, meat, menu, modern, multipurpose, order, organic, pizza, reservation, responsive, restaurant, shop, store, ecommerce, html,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

  • Gratis 24/7
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  • Calidad

  • 1 200 000+

    Clientes Satisfechos

Plantilla # 310708
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Autor: DreamIT
Descargas: 2
€29 €26
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 310708
Tipo: Plantillas para Sitios Web
Autor: DreamIT
Descargas: 2

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