Plantilla de sitio HTML de empresa constructora

Descripción Corta:
The 3WART Construction Company HTML template is for all construction, design, renovation companies, as well as for all designers who want to find a simple, efficient and modern way to interact with clients.
The template is bright in design, clean and modern. Of its functionality and features, the following should be noted:
The template is especially useful for construction companies that build and then sell residential apartments, offices or commercial spaces. The template has all the required and necessary functionality required for this purpose.
- Modern multi-level menu
- Unique parallax effects
- Full screen backgrounds
- Font Awesome 5.15.4
- Bootstrap v5.1.3
- Information about current projects
- Masonry portfolio through filtering
- List of apartments for sale by means of filtering (filtering is done by 3 criteria)
- Selection of an apartment in a residential house for sale according to floors
- Design of page pagination system
- Youtube video plugin
- Breadcrumb navigation
- Working Ajax PHP contact form
- And more
Tema: Architecture, Construction Company Templates, Interior Design Templates, Exterior Design Templates, Interior & Furniture Templates, Design, Design Studio Templates, Designer Portfolio Templates, Design & Photography, Home & Family,
Color: black, white, grey, brown, green,
tags: agency, apartment, architecture, building, business, company, construction, corporate, creative, design, development, exterior, interior, portfolio, studio, repair company,
pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.0, 7.4,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
Gratis 24/7
Equipo de Soporte -
Desde el Cero -
Premium -
1 200 000+
Clientes Satisfechos
Plantilla # | 299221 |
Tipo: | Plantillas para Sitios Web |
Autor: | 3WARTGE |
Descargas: | 4 |
Plantilla # | 299221 |
Tipo: | Plantillas para Sitios Web |
Autor: | 3WARTGE |
Descargas: | 4 |