
Roasi - Tema de Shopify para cafeterías y cafeterías

Características: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Bootstrap, Ajax, Retina Ready, Multipurpose, Light Template, Dropshipping, eCommerce, Dropdown Menu, Tabs, Advanced Theme Options, Drag and Drop Content, MegaMenu, Performance Optimization, Blog, Online Store/Shop, Gallery, HTML 5, JQuery, Lazy Load effect,

Estilos: Clean, Minimalist, Mobile,

Monedas: USD, GBP, EUR,

Tema: Cafe Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Restaurant,

Color: black, white, grey,

tags: cafe, cafeteria, coffee, drink, drinks, elegant, flat, house, luxury, minimalist, modern, shop, simple, store, theme, blog, shopify,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

  • Gratis 24/7
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  • Soluciones
    Desde el Cero

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  • 1 200 000+

    Clientes Satisfechos

Plantilla # 226698
Tipo: Temas Shopify
Autor: ShopiLaunch
Descargas: 2
€88 €79
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 226698
Tipo: Temas Shopify
Autor: ShopiLaunch
Descargas: 2

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