Pinkbright - Tema de Shopify sensible a la belleza y los cosméticos

Descripción Corta:
Create an Ultimate Powerful eCommerce Website with Pinkbright!
This theme allows you to build a store website for cosmetics, skin care products, creative themed websites, art and more.
It comes with stunning layouts and store elements, so you can showcase your cosmetic products in an attractive way. You can also add newsletter and megagamenu pop-ups, as well as drawers.
Pinkbright is also compatible with the Shopify app, which means you can create your store completely easily and quickly.
This theme is packed with an amazing collection of features, both standard and tailor-made for kids' online store and business needs!
All controls are passed. You won't have to spend a lot of time or need too much technique to adjust it.
Everything is easily customized. 5 main designs will help you have more choices for your store.
- Section Drag & Drop Page Builder
- Full Oberlo Compatibility
- Upsell Products
- Infinite Scroll
- Sub-Collection Page
- Gallery Page
- Dynamic Checkout Ready
- The New Lookbook
- Add To Cart Popup
- Advandced Variant Swatches
- Ajax Products
- Ajax Seach
- Social Share
- Optimized For Mobile Devices
- Sticky ATC & Socials
- Size Guide Popup
- Strong Filter
- Popup Login
- Highlight Promos Texts
- Automatic Price Change
- Flexible Built-in Mega Menu
- Quickview Product Colors
- Smart Product Quickview
- Advanced Layered Navigation
- Unlimited Google Fonts
- Site Identity
- Header & Footer Style Options
- Amazing Slider built-in
- Unlimited colours
- SEO Optimized
- New, Hot, Sale... labels
- Amazing Layout Variations
- Newsletter
- Responsive & Retina Ready
- Drawer shopping cart in header
- Sticky Header Multi Styles
- Ajax Add to Cart
- Ajax Paging & Ajax Toolbar built-in
- Ajax Grid & List view collection
- Previous & Next functionality for the product view page
- Slider for Up-sell Products and Related Products blocks
- Best Seller Product
- Color chooser
- Tabs
- Grid / List view
- Additional Information tab for individual product attributes
- Blog Post layout built-in
- FontAwesome icons
- One-click import
- Cross Browser Support
- Customer Reviews
- Contact
- Product Carousel
- HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
- Social networking
- Support Online 24/7
- Well Documented
Estilos: Clean, Minimalist, Mobile,
Monedas: USD, GBP, EUR,
Tema: Cosmetics Store Templates, Beauty Templates, Fashion & Beauty,
Color: white, grey,
tags: beauty, clean, cosmetic, health, luxury, makeup, minimal, modern, natural, organic, perfume, shop, simple, skin, spa, store, theme, ecommerce, shopify, skincare,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
Gratis 24/7
Equipo de Soporte -
Desde el Cero -
Premium -
1 200 000+
Clientes Satisfechos
Plantilla # | 207367 |
Tipo: | Temas Shopify |
Autor: | ShopiLaunch |
Descargas: | 0 |
Plantilla # | 207367 |
Tipo: | Temas Shopify |
Autor: | ShopiLaunch |
Descargas: | 0 |