
Splenid - Plantilla de Shopify receptiva y multipropósito

Temas Shopify

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Theme Overview

Splenid is a stylish responsive and easy to use Shopify theme. It is a modern and clean Shopify theme, It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution. this responsive ecommerce template will be ideal for any buyers to customize and make their own site become one of the top online shopping sites. everything which is ready to use to make a complete website such as landing page, sale promotion, sales product, etc.

Inherited all powerful functionality of our bestselling Shopify theme, with newer and trending design styles. It is best suitable for: Multipurpose shop like mega store, mega shop, electronics, fashion store, cloting store, selling cloth apparel, Minimal white bright and clean design, high responsive retina, pastel harmony colors. Simple, minimal, super light-weight and fast loading, SEO microdata coded. And more design for jewelry, luxury, gift, handmade, kids, baby store, bakery, car auto parts automative, high-tech digital electronic gadget, flower shop, furniture & interior, orginic food. you can make a nice contrast and give the website a unique look.

It's ideal for stores with large inventories as Supermarket, It is designed to make it quick and easy to browse through all the categories and products your store has to offer. Minimal style help you focus on banners and products. Designed on grid system, easy to customize your own website by drag and drop each sections. It includes high quality Section files are well organized and named accordingly so its very easy to change any and all of the design. It’s all what you need for your store.

Some Special Features of Splenid theme like Ajax cart: Shopping cart is the most important aspect of any e-commerce website selling goods and services. the success rate of the online store is directly proportional to the speed of adding and checking the items in the shopping cart. Filter: Setting filters is easy in Baby Planet Shopify Theme using the Ajax sidebar. Select filters such as color, brand, type, and category as well as list and drop-down. The selection of filter will display those specific products that suit your store’s needs without having to reload the page.

Basic Features

  • No Coding skills required
  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Mobile First
  • 100% Responsive Theme
  • Retina Ready
  • Google Fonts Included
  • Zero Javascript Conflicts
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)friendly
  • Fully Documented

Top Features

  • Ajax Cart
  • Multiple Language and Currency
  • Sticky Menu
  • Drag and Drop Sections
  • Product Reviews
  • Unlimited Banners
  • Products Slider (Featured, New, Special and Best Seller products) on Homepage
  • Cart Dropdown in Header
  • Sale Countdown for Product
  • Product Quick View
  • Brand logo Slider/Grid on Home page
  • Product Zoom
  • Product Grid + List View
  • Blogs Module
  • Attractive Breadcrumb
  • Scroll To Top Button
  • Extra link blocks in Footer
  • PSD files Included
  • Easy Installation
Color: black, white, red,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

Características: Premium, Responsive, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, Ajax, Retina Ready, Multipurpose, eCommerce, Dropdown Menu, Sample content, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, MegaMenu, Performance Optimization, Blog, Online Store/Shop, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Lazy Load effect, Website Builder,

tags: clean, cosmetics, fashion, food, furniture, grocery, minimal, modern, multipurpose, organic, printshop, responsive, shop, store, swimwear, shopify, food store, dairy farm, furniture template, bakery shop,

Tema: Furniture Templates, Electronics Templates, Interior & Furniture Templates, Tools & Equipment Templates, Electronics Store Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Home & Family,

Estilos: Clean, Minimalist, Futurist,

  • Gratis 24/7
    Equipo de Soporte

  • Soluciones
    Desde el Cero

  • Calidad

  • 1 200 000+

    Clientes Satisfechos

Plantilla # 179000
Tipo: Temas Shopify
Autor: WebiBazaar
Descargas: 1
€67 €60
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 179000
Tipo: Temas Shopify
Autor: WebiBazaar
Descargas: 1

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