
Plantilla de PowerPoint de presentación infográfica de marketing en redes sociales de seis opciones

Plantillas PowerPoint

Descripción Corta:

Six Options Social Media Marketing and Lady in Front of The Computer Ilustration Infographic Presentation Template is an infographic template with creative and modern design.You want to analyze some of your social media accounts and compare them from various aspects? If you’re working on a presentation related to digital marketing or social media strategies, this PowerPoint template is for you. You can present it through this template.

This template displays lady in front computer and arround by social media icons.This infographic also provide 6 rectangular shapes with different color to insert small paragraph with percentage.

Keyword : 6, options, social media, computer, digital marketing, icons, retangular, vector ilustration, circles, strategies

Color: white, grey,

tags: circles, computer, icons, options, strategies, social media, digital marketing, retangular, vector ilustration,

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Plantilla # 112487
Tipo: Plantillas PowerPoint
Autor: rrgraph
Descargas: 0
€17 €15
Plantilla # 112487
Tipo: Plantillas PowerPoint
Autor: rrgraph
Descargas: 0