
Plantilla Ice Cream Moto CMS 3

Plantillas MotoCMS 3

Descripción Corta:

Let me guess what you are worried about at the moment? Having ideas about a great site to advertise your ice cream & desserts online? But you don't have plenty of additional time and possess no web design skills?

We will provide you with a great ice cream website builder to help your business! It's not necessary to spend a fortune and hunt for experts to create a website for you. Uncover our professional Ice Cream Responsive Moto CMS 3 Template matching your business perfectly. Why do we think that using Moto CMS 3.0 admin panel will eliminate all your worries and you will make a great online project with your own hands? Elementary, my dear Watson! Manageable admin panel will allow you do everything yourself, starting with changing a color scheme and on to increasing the number of web pages.

We want to turn website development into a simple task for you! Opt for our premium Ice Cream Responsive Moto CMS 3 Theme to gain a great web product within minimal time.

Características: Premium, Responsive, Admin Panel, Bootstrap,

Soporte MultiIdioma: English, Russian, Deutsch, French, Spanish, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Dutch, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Polish,

Elementos Confiables: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

tags: bake, baker, bakery, candy, gelato, ice cream, meal prep, cakery, frozen yogurt,

Tema: Ice Cream Templates, Food & Drink Templates, Food & Restaurant,

Estilos: Neutral, Flat,

MultiMedia: Video Integration, Media Library File Manager, Video Player, Audio Player,

Script de Galería: Slider, Grid, Carousel,

Requerimientos de Hosting: Curl, The mod_rewrite Apache module, PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4, MySQL 5.1+, Spl, Reflection, GD, Json, PDO_MYSQL,

motoCMSWidgets: Menu, Google Maps, Media library, Presets Builder,

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Plantilla # 54897
Tipo: Plantillas MotoCMS 3
Autor: MotoCMS
Descargas: 17
€144 €130
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 54897
Tipo: Plantillas MotoCMS 3
Autor: MotoCMS
Descargas: 17