
Plantilla de logotipo de correo electrónico rápido

Plantillas de Logotipos

Descripción Corta:

Fast Mail Logo Template can be used for Industry Internet email services, Web Email Marketing, or Courier Services,....... 100% vector, Easy to edit color/text fully resizable, and easily editable, everything comes with a colored, grayscale, and white color schemes fully optimized for small and big sizes.

Graphics Files Included: 1- logo.eps 2- logo.a

For any other information, contact me

Tema: Fast Food Restaurant Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Restaurant,

Color: white, blue,

tags: abstract, apps, brand, business, cafe, colorful, company, creative, design, fast, graphic, icon, logo, modern, restaurant, simple, template, top, vector, mail logo,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,

filesIncluded: JPEG, EPS, AI,

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Plantilla # 353847
Tipo: Plantillas de Logotipos
Autor: Anafshaariar01
Descargas: 0
€20 €18
Plantilla # 353847
Tipo: Plantillas de Logotipos
Autor: Anafshaariar01
Descargas: 0

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