Restaurante Royal - Tarjeta de menú Royal

Descripción Corta:
Royal Restaurant - Royal menu card
- File type: AI,EPS, JPG, PDF,
- Color type: CMYK Color, 300 dpi (CMYK color )
- Quality Type: Vector (100% quality graphics)
- Changes Type: 100% Editable / color change / resize / shape changes
- Document size: Poster size
- all support Available | Well organized | Fully Editable
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filesIncluded: JPG, EPS, PDF, AI,
tags: asian, background, cafe, cook, cooking, cuisine, delicious, food, illustration, india, indian, italian, lunch, meal, meat, menu, restaurant, traditional, menu card, desing,
Tema: Asian Restaurant Templates, Japanese Restaurant Templates, Chinese Restaurant Templates, Indian Restaurant Templates, European Restaurant Templates, Italian Restaurant Templates, Spanish Restaurant Templates, Seafood Restaurant Templates, Restaurant Reviews Templates, Cafe and Restaurant Templates, Food & Restaurant,
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Plantilla # | 301287 |
Tipo: | Illustrations |
Autor: | Ankit_Waghamare |
Descargas: | 0 |
Plantilla # | 301287 |
Tipo: | Illustrations |
Autor: | Ankit_Waghamare |
Descargas: | 0 |