
Iconos lineales de tecnología Bitcoin

Conjuntos de Iconos

Descripción Corta:

Modern bitcoin technology linear icons.The modern world is welcoming the fourth iteration of cryptocurrencies with the advent of technology.These icons can be used to do whatever you want, from inspiration, designs, offline or online marketing, apps, and even websites

Fully Layered and Grouped

Fully Customizable

Great for web and mobile apps.

Ready to Use in Your Web, Mobile and Print Projects

Modern Unique Style

Well Organized Files

Color: black, grey,

filesIncluded: JPG, JPEG, PNG, EPS, SVG, AI, XD,

tags: icons, vectors, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, web design, blockchain, linear icons, bitcoin network, outline vectors, blockchain module, altcoins, zcash, menoro, virtual currency, bitcoin suitcase, bitcoin email, bitcoin report, bitcoin sheet, bitcoin analytics,

compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, Sketch,

  • Gratis 24/7
    Equipo de Soporte

  • Soluciones
    Desde el Cero

  • Calidad

  • 1 200 000+

    Clientes Satisfechos

Plantilla # 235909
Tipo: Conjuntos de Iconos
Autor: SmashingStocks
Descargas: 0
€15 €13
Plantilla # 235909
Tipo: Conjuntos de Iconos
Autor: SmashingStocks
Descargas: 0