Keumala - Fuente Script Signature
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Keumala - Script Signature Font
We are introducing our Signature font, which goes by the name Keumala. We hope this font makes the signature logo and watermark for your agency and product look flawless and eye-catching. We make it natural, elegant, professional and unique.
Download Keumala for your next special work or project today.
What's feature included?
- Uppercase Characters
- Lowercase Characters
- Punctuation, Numerical, Ligatures, Alternate
- Multilingual support for various languages including: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, and more.
What's feature included?
- Keumala.ttf
- Keumala.otf
- Keumala.woff
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Color: grey, pink, yellow, orange,tags: aesthetic, beautiful, calligraphy, elegant, font, handwriting, handwritten, joyful, lettering, playful, sans, script, serif, signature, typeface, handlettering,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch,