Plantilla Comrax Drupal

Descripción Corta:
This information technology Drupal template provides a comfortable onsite experience by means of its clean tone, vibrant yet eye-friendly palette, responsive options , and user-oriented navigation in the form of a dropdown menu and back-to-top button . Polygons add a surreal touch to this design, while animated counters make it feel more dynamic. By means of a blog , you can fill your site with keyword-rich content and show potential customers that you know your stuff. Many people are unlikely to understand where your office is located just by reading its address. For that reason, you can mark your location on an easy-to-navigate Google map , under which there are links to social accounts .TemplateMonster MarketPlace
TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.
Características: Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Advanced Theme Options, Blog, Portfolio, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Parallax, Lazy Load effect,Fuentes de Plantilla: .PSD, .PHP,
drupalModules: Addthis, Colorbox, Ctools, Demo, Flexslider, Libraries, Panels, Superfish, Views, Views Slideshow, WYSIWIG, Administration Menu, Hide the Toolbar, Block Class, Dismiss, jQuery Easing, jQuery Update, Module Filter, Retina Images, Semantic Views, Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget, Views Isotope - jQuery Isotope, Tipsy,
Información Adicional: Well Documented, Customized Modules,
Software Requerido por Plantilla: Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver, PHP editor.,
Elementos Confiables: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,
tags: communication, communications, company, connection, consulting, contact, ideas, information, informational, internet, mail, technologies, technology, transfer, web, it,
Tema: IT Templates, Business & Services,
Estilos: Neutral, Flat,
Color: white, purple, blue, cyan,
Script de Galería: CSS and JS, Slider, Isotope,
Gratis 24/7
Equipo de Soporte -
Desde el Cero -
Premium -
1 200 000+
Clientes Satisfechos
Plantilla # | 56078 |
Tipo: | Plantillas Drupal |
Autor: | WT |
Descargas: | 34 |
Plantilla # | 56078 |
Tipo: | Plantillas Drupal |
Autor: | WT |
Descargas: | 34 |