Vote for our political organization because we are going to change your life and life of our city forever. Join the movement for justice and freedom.
“Organizing for Action: We’re the people who don’t just support progressive change — we’re fighting for it.”
Adam Patrik Bio
Herbert Hoover Conference House, San Diego, CA
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Political Speech
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Some of our Awesome Testimonials
“This organization has made an important difference by identifying leaders on environmental issues and helping them get elected to Parliament. Greater environmental action starts with strong advocates in Parliament.
Keith Kim
Liberal Party
“It was a great honor for me to be selected as an eco-leader during the 2015 federal election campaign. I was both proud and humbled to be endorsed by this organization, a Political Action Committee for the environment.
Susan Wilson
New Democratic Party
“This organization has made an important difference by identifying leaders on environmental issues and helping them get elected to Parliament. Greater environmental action starts with strong advocates in Parliament.
Patrick Clark
Conservative Party
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