
Letstart - Plantilla de administración de Bootstrap

Plantillas Administrativas

Descripción Corta:

LetStart Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

LetStart Admin is a full featured, multipurpose, premium bootstrap admin template built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS and JQuery.

It is a fully responsive bootstrap admin template / bootstrap admin dashboard template that comes with a huge collection of reusable UI components & plugins.

Benefits of using LetStart Bootstrap 4 Admin Panel Template

LetStart is one of the best admin panel templates. With this bootstrap admin template, you can quick start your project. Why waste time starting from scratch; try out our admin dashboard template. LetStart is crafted based on google material design so that you can be assured that your application follows the best practices in usability and performance.

LetStart admin dashboard works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices. This is one of the best bootstrap admin templates available on templatemonster

It can be used for building all types of Web applications like custom admin panel or admin dashboard, web application backend, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM or SAAS. This will accelerate your development, reduce QA time and save a lot of time & money.

LetStart bootstrap admin template follows flat design guidelines which make it sleek, clean, intuitive and user-friendly.

Once you purchase LetStart admin panel template, you will be entitled to free download of all future updates.

Features List

- Awesome Dashboard & Widgets

- 100+ of UI Components

- Admin Template based on Bootstrap 4

- Fully Responsive pages

- Easy to customize

- Lots of Table, forms, charts and many more Examples

- Validation Forms

- Ready to use plugin

- W3C Validated

- Latest technologies used

We appriciate your valuable feedback.

Thanks for purchaing the product


My product comes with an extensive help file to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to contact me. Reply times can be up to 24 / 72 hours Monday to Sunday. Please be patient when posting an issue as i work (IST+00:00) time zone.


v.1.2 (9 March 2021)

Gulp Task Runner Implement

Modern structure

Bug Fixing

v.1.1 (9 January 2019)

[FIXED]Fixed previous version errors.

[FIXED]Submenu fix in small nav

[ADDED]New preview page added

[ADDED]New Ajax bar added

[ADDED]New loader added

tags: admin, bootstrap, business, clean, creative, dashboards, modern, multipurpose, panel, premium, responsive, html5, jquery, backend, allinone,

Tema: IT Templates, Software Templates, Business & Services, Computers & Internet, Finance, Intranet,

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Plantilla # 75894
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: LettStartDesign
Descargas: 19
€18 €16
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 75894
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: LettStartDesign
Descargas: 19

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