
Neon - Plantilla de administración de Bootstrap y Laravel receptiva

Plantillas Administrativas

Descripción Corta:

Neon is Feature packed & powerful Admin dashboard with UI Kit. It is built on Latest Bootstrap version, Latest Laravel v6.0, Latest PHP version, HTML5 , CSS3 and jQuery. All elements are handcrafted full precision as well customization as per requirements. The Admin Dashboard is Fully Responsive and gives full flexibility to developer to customize it. It consists of 3 Unique Dashboard Layouts, 80+ Inner Pages and 7+ Modern Icon Sets. We are very supportive of our client base. Please, Feel free to contact us in case of any query.

Note : In Laravel Version, We have added all 2 Layouts in the admin template package. The package does not include Database, CRUD functionality and Laravel Components.

Note : In PHP Version, We have added all 2 Layouts in the admin template package.

Features :

- Responsive

- Creative Widgets

- Useful Plugins

- Authentication Pages

- 7+ Icons Sets

- 80+ Pages

- Vertical Layout

- Horizontal Layout

- Easy Customization

- Clean Design

- SASS Supported

- Well Commented & Quality Code

- W3C Validate

- All Browser Support

Credits & Sources:

- jQuery

- Bootstrap

- Laravel

- php

- Popper

- Modernizr

- Detect

- jQuery Slimscroll

- Animate CSS

- Sweet Alert2

- jQuery Confirm

- Carousel

- Material Design Icons

- Font Awesome

- Simple Line Icons

- Themify Icons

- Typicons

- Ion Icons

- Dripicons

- Nestable

- jQuery Bar Rating

- ion rangeSlider

- Switchery

- JS Tree

- Widgets

- Full Calendar

- Bootstrap Inputmask

- Bootstrap MaxLength

- Bootstrap Tags Input

- Bootstrap Touch Spin

- Bootstrap X-editable

- Bootstrap Date Picker

- Bootstrap Color Picker

- Select2

- Dropzone

- Summernote

- Tinymce

- Codemirror

- Validate JS

- jQuery Step

- jQuery UI

- Chartist JS

- Chart JS

- C3 Chart

- Flot Char

- Morris Chart

- Knob Chart

- Piety Chart

- Sparkline Chart

- D3

- Moment JS

- Raphael

- Bootstrap Table

- Data Table

- Editable Table

- RWD Table

- Google Map

- Vector Map

- jQuery Countdown

- Vertical Timeline

File Included :

- HTML Files

- CSS Files

- SCSS Files

- JS Files

- PHP Files

- Documentation in HTML

Características: Responsive, Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Retina Ready, Mobile Layout Included, Multipurpose,

Tema: IT Templates, News Portal Templates, Maintenance Services Templates, Media Templates, Business & Services, Finance,

Color: white, blue,

Software Requerido por Plantilla: Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++, Notepad++ or any php-editor,

tags: admin, analytics, sass, php,

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Plantilla # 75197
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: ThemesBox
Descargas: 72
€26 €23
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 75197
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: ThemesBox
Descargas: 72

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