

Plantillas Administrativas

Descripción Corta:

MonsterDashboard gets a big update! Version 2.0 is completely re-interpreted and redone. We have carried out a continuous & intricate work on template improvement:

  1. JavaScript core has been fully rewritten and built on ECMAScript6. We threw out the old and slightly tangled code. Now it's very easy to work with the template and any front-end developer can look into the clear & structured code.
  2. A component approach to coding allowed us to separate the code into independent parts.
  3. Full-fledged usage of Bootstrap 4.
  4. Fully responsive and mobile-friendly.
  5. Superfast, Asynchronous script loading allowed us to triple the script loading speed.
  6. Distribution assembly via Gulp tasks.
  7. Migration to PUG and Sass.

It still includes the best and highly rated 5 admin templates that allow you to know everything about your website. They suit various types of websites from blogs to online stores. Moreover, this bundle will be extremely useful for those who have many web projects. It has Admindex stylish and multifunctional template, Adminifix admin template with super intuitive navigation, EmeraldAdmin that has bright design and easy-to-understand diagrams, a well-structured and multifunctional IoDashboard, and ConcreteAdmin that provides you with full control over your website.

All listed products were developed by professionals and have many useful features. You can see all of them and check design features on a product page. This bundle provides you with the best products for running your websites. They are reliable, easy-to-use and well-designed.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

Características: Premium, Responsive, Pro, Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Multipurpose, Events Calendar,

Estilos: Neutral, Flat,

Fuentes de Plantilla: .PSD, .HTML,

Popularidad: Top Rated, Editors Pick,

Rango de Fechas: Last Month, Last 6 Months,

Color: white, grey, purple, blue,

tags: bootstrap, building, charts, clean, component, computer, creative, design, directory, freelance, gulp, mobile, multipurpose, professional, responsive, revolution, studio, webmasters, backend, npm,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

Elementos Confiables: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

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Plantilla # 58393
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: ZEMEZ
Descargas: 1101
€24 €22
Demo Comprar
Plantilla # 58393
Tipo: Plantillas Administrativas
Autor: ZEMEZ
Descargas: 1101

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