HealthEase: plantilla de panel de administración médica y hospitalaria

Descripción Corta:
HealthEase, the comprehensive Medical and Hospital Admin Dashboard Template designed to streamline healthcare management. With full responsiveness across all screens and compatibility with major browsers, it ensures accessibility for all users.
HealthEase boasts a clean, modern design, built on Bootstrap 5, adhering to W3C standards for code validation. It features Font Awesome Icons and offers seamless customization with well-commented, documented code.Custom icons add a personalized touch, while friendly and quick support ensures a smooth experience. Whether you're managing a medical practice or a hospital, HealthEase empowers you with efficient and user-friendly tools to enhance healthcare administration. Simplify your healthcare management with HealthEase today.
What do you get?
- All HTML files
- Documentation
- 24/7 Support
Estilos: Clean, Corporate, Futurist, Geometric, Flat,
Tema: Ambulance Templates, Medical Templates,
Color: black, white,
tags: healthcare, hospital, admin dashboard, hospital dashboard, hospital admin, medical dashboard, medical admin, doctor admin, healthcare admin, medical dash, medical panel,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
Gratis 24/7
Equipo de Soporte -
Desde el Cero -
Premium -
1 200 000+
Clientes Satisfechos
Plantilla # | 360945 |
Tipo: | Plantillas Administrativas |
Autor: | Softivus |
Descargas: | 1 |
Plantilla # | 360945 |
Tipo: | Plantillas Administrativas |
Autor: | Softivus |
Descargas: | 1 |